21 June 2016


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 June 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.

Present:Cllrs Mrs M Beauchamp, A Boyce, J Frayne and Ms C Norman.

In attendance:     5 parishioners, Parish Clerk.

Due to Cllr White being unwell, Cllr Boyce took the Chair.

18.Police Report

A report had been received from the police.

During the past month three incidents had been reported in Atherington:

Damage to the Church Hall,

Nuisance anti social behaviour, person leaving gates open

2nd/3rd June, RTC damage to the church building

When sending the report PCSO Beverley Bray had stated that although she would not be on duty, she would be passing through Atherington, so would be able to attend the meeting for a few minutes/

19.Matters Raised by the Public

Parishioners requested permission to speak when the Bonds Farm planning application was considered. This was agreed.

Thanks were expressed from the village for the celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday, organised by Mrs Beauchamp and her helpers.

20.Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs W White.

21.Declarations of Interest & Register of Interests

No Declarations of Interest were received.

Register of Interest forms were circulated to councillors present, for completion by the next meeting.

22.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 17 May 2016

The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.

23.Matters Arising from the last meeting

Min. 1.2.Cllr Boyce confirmed that he accepted the post of Vice Chairman.

Min. 3.1There had been no response from the planning officer to the council’s letter regarding Bonds Farm. Clerk to contact Mr Smith requesting a response.

Min. 3.3.No response had been received. It was agreed that a request for a response should be made on all letters sent from the council.

Min. 10.It was noted that the North Devon Local Plan had been submitted, with the provision for wind turbines removed.

24.County Council

No report received.


1.It was reported that the road edge had been tarmacked and kerbstones placed opposite NWF, at the entrance to Quiet Waters and a nearby field gateway. It was agreed to enquire from Highways if DCC had financed the work, and if so why was DCC not willing to pay for similar work at tray lane.

2.It was agreed to enquire from Highways when the work outside Springfield was due to be carried out. It was noted that the traffic lights had been in place around the pothole for six months. Email to be copied to Cllr Edgell.

3.It was reported that the PCC were now reporting all incidents of damage to the church hall by vehicles, regardless of whether there had been any witnesses.

It was again agreed to write to DCC, copied to David Whitton, Cllr Edgell and Peter Heaton-Jones MP, stating that the simple solution would be to place a weight limit on the road. This would prevent the road being used by unsuitable vehicles. It was noted that weight limits were in place at South Molton and Barnstaple, so why was it not considered appropriate at Atherington.

21.06.16 – 2

4.It was reported that problems caused by parked cars at The old Sawmills had eased slightly.

26.District Council

No report received.

27.Neighbourhood Watch

No report received.

It was noted that a trailer loaded with scrap metal had been stolen at South Molton. The scrap had been dumped, but the trailer had not been recovered.



60860Erection of 5 dwellings (amended form, description & planning statement) Bonds Farm


It was noted that the new application was again invalid as a correct ownership certificate had not been issued. The points previously raised had still not been addressed. The new application was subject to the same issues as the previous one.

Cllr Frayne agreed to draft a response from the council.   

60960Conversion of a redundant chapel to a one bedroomed dwelling Baptist Chapel


It was resolved to recommend approval subject to assurances being given regarding the future of the adjacent burial ground.

60961Listed building consent for conversion of chapel to a one bedroom dwelling Atherington Baptist Chapel Atherington

No objections raised.

60962Conversion of school hall to a one-bedroom dwelling Atherington Baptist School Hall


It was resolved to recommend approval subject to assurances being given regarding the future of the adjacent burial ground.

60963Listed building consent for the conversion of school hall to a one-bedroom dwelling Atherington Baptist School Hall Atherington

No objections raised.

2.Decisions - Approval:

60891Demolition of existing & erection of new dwelling at Wavelands Umberleigh




1.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£126.92Cheque No.702

The account was approved for payment.

30.Parish Council Website

The Clerk reported that it was a requirement for the parish council to have its own, or access to, a website.

To be discussed fully at the next meeting.

31.Playing Field

It was reported that everything was in hand for the Village Fete on 2 July. 

32.Correspondence Received

1.Details of various Road Closures had been received and circulated to councillors.

2.DALC June Newsletter. Noted.

21.06.16 – 3

3.Details of the new TAP Fund had been received. It was noted that applications from a minimum of two councils were not restricted to £1.10 per head of population. An amount had been allocated to each county council ward, and would be allocated on a first come – first served basis.

33.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.

It was reported that just over £100 had been spent of food for the celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday.

Cllr Boyce proposed that the £46 profit be donated to the Church Hall. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Beauchamp. All in agreement.

34.Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 19 July 2016.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:15pm.