Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 20 September 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.
Present:Cllrs Mrs M Beauchamp, A Boyce, J Frayne and Ms C Norman.
In attendance: 6 parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.
70.Police Report
No report received.
71.Matters Raised by the Public
No response had been received from Planning with regard to Bonds Farm. Cllr White had spoken to the planning officer who had stated that there was nothing to report.
It was reported that there were still parking problems at The Old Sawmills. Three vehicles were believed to be untaxed. The North Devon Tyres van had not returned, but another white van was being parked there. It was agreed to report the matter to the police, stating that the vehicles were being parked inconsiderately, and that three were believed to be untaxed with another vehicle having a SORN declaration. Concern was expressed that the vehicles were not insured.
It was reported that fly tipping had occurred on Barnstaple Hill, together with a derelict van. Cllr Boyce to speak to Cllr White regarding the fly tipping. Details of the van to be reported to the police.
72.Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr W White.
73.Declarations of InterestNone.
74.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 16 August 2016
The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.
75.Matters Arising from the last meeting
DCC had requested further information regarding the tarmacked gateway opposite NWF. Clerk to respond.
Cllr Frayne confirmed that he had written to the Planning Dept regarding Bonds Farm.
No further instances of dog worrying had been reported in the area.
It was understood that drainage work at Springfield would be carried out shortly.
76.County Council
Cllr Edgell reported that at a time when libraries were closing all over the country, he was pleased to report that none had closed in Devon. Devon’s libraries had been moved to a Community Interest Company which had just been given charitable status. DCC would continue to give funding to the libraries, but as a CIC founding would be able to be sought elsewhere. The Arts Council had made a grant of £200k towards providing services in libraries. It was hoped to open more libraries in the future.
It was reported that the North Devon Record Office was now only open three days each week.
It was reported that the residents of Tray Lane had arranged to have the lane resurfaced, with the work due to take place within the next few days. It had been felt that Highways should repair its section at the same time to prevent damage to the edge of the private section. The contractor was unwilling to connect with the public highway. Highways were being contacted to enquire whether they would be carrying out the work to the public highway, or whether they would be willing to make a contribution to the private contractor for carrying out the work.
It was agreed to send a letter of support to Richard Sables, DCC Highways.
78.District Council
Cllr Edgell reported that North Devon Council were to trial the new three weekly waste and recycling collection in two areas, although a few areas would continue to receive weekly collections where there were storage problems.
79.Neighbourhood Watch
The police had issued a warning to be aware of cold callers, and to make sure that they were from the company that they were claiming to represent.
Parishioners had raised concerns over low flying drones over private property, giving the impression that they were being spied upon. It was noted that all such instances should be reported to the police.
Parishioners were warned of a scam text message claiming that they had won a £80 M&S voucher.
80.North Devon District Hospital future provision.
Concern was expressed over leaked proposals that the Stroke and Maternity departments at the North Devon District Hospital were being moved to Exeter or Plymouth. The Public Consultation was due to start
the following day.
20.09.16 – 2
It was agreed that the parish council should strongly oppose the proposals.
It was agreed that a letter should be written stating that:
Atherington Parish Council had discussed the draft proposals regarding changes to services at the North Devon District Hospital. The council wished to express its utter dismay at the proposed closing of maternity and stroke services. Moving patients to either Exeter or Plymouth would be life threatening in many cases, and would cause distress to patients and families. North Devon is remote with very poor road links to both Exeter and Plymouth.
The population of North Devon has grown considerably in recent years, and in the emerging Local Plan are 17000 new dwellings within the Barnstaple and Bideford connotation, with significantly more in the who area covered by the hospital. Therefore existing services should be retained, with a view to expanding them in the near future.
Under the circumstances the council regards the proposals to reduce the service as untenable and with the forecast expansion in population we would be expecting an increase in service provision at the North Devon District Hospital.
It was agreed to send the letter to Peter Heaton-Jones MP; Geoffrey Cox MP; Clls D Jones, B Moores,
W White, R Edgell, J Hart.
61755Removal of condition 3 (agricultural / forestry occupancy restriction) attached to planning permission 25529 (erection of agricultural workers dwelling) Lilcott Farm Atherington
It was resolved to recommend refusal. The parish council had recommended refusal of the previous application, and it was considered that there was nothing substantive in the current application to warrant the council changing its views.
2.Decision - Approval:
61546Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to form two dwellings (class q(a)(b)) at Langridge Farm Atherington Umberleigh
1.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£126.28Cheque No. 706
The account was approved for payment.
83.Notice Board
A drawing for the proposed new notice board had been received. Cllr Ms Norman agreed to obtain quotes to be considered at the next meeting.
It was agreed that the present notice board would be moved to the Playing Field.
84.Playing Field
It was reported that the firework display was in the process of being arranged. More parking would be available than at last year’s event.
It was noted that the grant application to Tesco had been unsuccessful. It was possible to submit another bid.
The Holiday Club at the Pavilion had been very successful.
1.DCC had advised a Road Closure between Riverlake Cottage and Rock Head 17-21 & 24-27 October for drainage improvement work.
2.NDC had advised a further round of Public Consultation on the Local Plan, specifically with regard to traveller sites and wind energy provision.
3.DALC Newsletters. Noted.
4.DALC Annual Report. Noted.
5.Clerks & Council’s Direct – September 2016. Noted.
6.Healthwatch Devon. Noted.
86.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.None.
87.Date of next meeting:Tuesday 18 October 2016.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:20pm.