19 January 2016


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19 January 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.

Present:Cllrs W White (Chairman), Mrs M Beauchamp, A Boyce, J Frayne and Ms C Norman.

In attendance:     7 parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.

120.Police Report

No report received – police not present.

It was reported that a car had been stolen from the car park at Umberleigh Village Hall.

121.Matters Raised by the Public

The MP for North Cornwall was raising a Bill in Parliament to give local people and parish councils the power to set appropriate speed limits. SAS was supporting the proposal and were requesting Peter Heaton-Jones MP to give his support.

It was agreed that the parish council would send a letter of support to Scott Mann MP, and also to request our MP’s support.

The result of the County Council’s speed check in the village was still not known.

It was reported that the field drain behind St Kitts had recently overflowed, flooding the garden and almost entered the house. Midwinter Koval, agents for the owner of the land, had been contacted and a claim submitted. To date there had been no response.

It was agreed that the planning department should be informed of the incident.

122.Apologies for absence

No apologies for absence were received, all councillors being present.

123.Declarations of Interest


124.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on17 November 2015

Min 116 was amended to read ‘Beaford’ Art, not Bideford.

The amended Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.

125.Matters Arising from the last meeting

Min. 104.It had been confirmed to Cllr Edgell that buses which ran before 9.30am did not qualify for the use of bus passes.

Min. 110.Cllr Edgell reported that a councillor grant of £1000 to Umberleigh Pre-School had been approved.

126.Review of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Financial Risk Assessment.

Model Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Financial Risk Assessment had been circulated to councillors.

Cllr Frayne proposed that these be adopted. Seconded by Cllr Boyce. All in agreement.

127.County Council

Cllr Edgell reported that the County Council was currently working on next year’s budget. The council was faced with making savings of £28m this year, and a further £22m next year.

The Childrens’ Service had reported a £4 – 5m overspend. This had resulted by the council budgeting to care for 573 children at £1k/child/week, whereas there was now 708 children in care.

During the past 5 years the council had disposed of 1000 properties which had brought in £25m. it was expected to raise a further £22m this year, and next year. The redundant properties had resulted from a 3000 reduction in staff

He was pleased to report that Councillor Grants and the Communities Fund were continuing.


Complaints were received over deep mud on the back toad to Fisheligh Rock caused by a farmer using the road with wide vehicles/trailers which were wider that the tarmacked road surface. It was noted that mud

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should be cleared as soon as possible. It was understood that the farmer had cleared some of the mud, but that the road remained unusable by local residents.

It was agreed that photographs of the road should be passed to Cllr Edgell, who would see what action the County Council could take.

Cllr Ms Norman agreed to speak to the farmer concerned.

Local residents were unwilling to take legal action, but would if it became necessary.

A complaint over the state of the bridleway at Rock had been received.

Following a Freedom of Information request, Devon County Council had advised that the cost of the wall at Newbridge was £448,706. Cllr Edgell reported that the work had been considered a priority as a safety measure to prevent vehicle leaving the road and ending up in the rover or on the railway line. A similar was was due to be built on the other side of the road.

129.District Council

Cllr White reported that District Council staff had now moved out of the Civic Centre, with a majority being relocated at Brynsworthy.

The Council Tax was due to be fixed in February.

130.Neighbourhood Watch

No report received.

131.Planning Application:

60321Extension to annexe to provide additional accommodation Little Hall Farmhouse Atherington

The Chairman read a response sent to the applicant from the planning officer.

It was noted that although the farmhouse was a listed building, no listed consent application had been submitted. The wildlife report was considered to be inadequate.

It was also noted that the site was outside the development boundary, and an isolated dwelling.

It was resolved to recommend that the application be withdrawn, for the reasons stated above.



1.Review of Cheque Signatories

It was agreed that all councillors should be signatories on the council’s cheque account. The Clerk had obtained s bank mandate form for councillors to complete after the meeting.


1.D Jones & Son – grass cutting£309.00Cheque No. 674

2.Mrs J Hart – Christmas Tree£ 40.00Cheque No. 675

3.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (Jan)£125.63Cheque No. 683

4.Clerk’s Salary (Dec)£125.00Cheque No. 684

5.DCC rent of Conservation Area£  30.00Cheque No. 685

The five accounts were approved for payment.

133.Playing Field

A film evening was arranged for the following evening, with a Beetle Drive at the end of the week.

The first event arranged through Beaford Art was due to be held at the end of February.

A bid was being submitted to the Tesco carrier bag fund.


1.NDC – Minutes of Parish Forum held 11 November.

2.A response had been received from DCC regarding damage to the road surface in Tray Lane caused by traffic using the highway. As Tray Lane was unadopted the council, in the present financial climate, were unwilling to carry out any repair work it was suggested that residents could request a quite from SWH for the work, to be carried out whilst they were working in the area.

3.A response had been received from DCC regarding suggestions for a weight limit on Barnstaple Hill. The council did not consider this to be viable, and considered the present signage to be adequate. According to their records there was no evidence of repeated damage caused to properties by large vehicles.

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It was agreed that evidence of recent damage should be sent to the police in order that it could be officially recorded, and that all future incidents should be reported.   

4.A letter had been received from the Lord-Lieutenant of Devon regarding parishes celebrating the Queen’s 90th Birthday. Various events were suggested, including a pram race and tea at the Playing Field on 11 June.

5.Healthwatch Devon – Winter 2015/16

135.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.

The traffic lights had been installed outside Springfield again following recent repairs to the potholes. A number of incidents of cars being damaged had been reported. It was agreed to contact Highways insisting a good quality repair be carried out as a matter of urgency.

A drain at Eastacombe was blocked, possibly due to it having collapsed.

It was reported that water was running across the road on Barnstaple Hill, which could become dangerous in bad weather if not attended to.

The pothole outside Wixland had still not been repaired.

136.Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 16 February 2016.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.45pm.