18 October 2016


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18 October 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.

Present:Cllrs W White (Chairman), Mrs M Beauchamp,A Boyce, J Frayne and Ms C Norman.

In attendance:     6 parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.

88.Police Report

No report received.

89.Matters Raised by the Public

1.It was reported that there had been repeated problems with rubbish collections being missed from the top of Tray Lane and beyond Mertyl Cottage , with both green and black bins not being emptied. This had been occurring on occasions for the past five years. All missed collections had been reported to NDC. It was agreed to make a complaint to NDC and ask why this was being allowed to continue.

2.It was noted that advertising material for Wavelands, which was now on the market, showed the old entrance to the property.

3.It was reported that the bollard outside Bonds Farm had been knocked over again and posed a potential hazard to road users and pedestrians.

4.It was reported that it was believed that a domestic garage at Ford Cottage Umberleigh was being lived in. It was agreed to report this to Planning Enforcement.

5.Tray Lane had been resurfaced, at the occupiers expense. However DCC had not repaired the edge of the highway that joined the lane. Despite contacting Highways, the residents had not received a reply.

The clerk had received a reply from Richard Sables which had been less than helpful, claiming that the entrance to the lane was classified as highway and was available for anyone to use, regardless of ownership.

It was agreed to request a site meeting in an attempt to resolve the problem it was also agreed that the parish council would support any claim for damage from the residents.

90.Apologies for absence

No apologies for absence were received, all councillors being present.

91.Declarations of Interest


92.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 20 September 2016

The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.

93.Matters Arising from the last meeting

Min. 71.It was reported that the untaxed cars at The Sawmills had now been taxed, and that the SORN vehicle was now off the road.

The fly tipping and abandoned van had been removed.

Min. 76.It was reported that one member of staff at the North Devon Record Office had been made redundant.

94.County Council

Cllr Edgell reported that all parish councils were writing to object to the leaked proposals to reduce services at North Devon District Hospital.


It was reported that work had started on the blocked drain outside Springfield.

The bollard outside Bonds Farm had been knocked over again. It was agreed to report this to Highways, noting the dangerous state of the lifted tarmac to motorists and pedestrians.

Cllr Edgell reported that the improvements to the A361 were likely to be carried out one section at a time, and not altogether. DCC was finalising its submission to be sent for government funding.

96.District Council

Cllr White reported that Community Grant funding was still available.

18.10.16 – 2

97.Torridge & North Devon Local Plan

It was noted that changes to the Local Plan were being made in relation to Wind Turbine and Travellor sites.

98.Neighbourhood Watch

No report received.


1.Applications:  No new applications received.

2. Decisions:  None.

3.Application 61755.  It was agreed to enquire the present situation regarding the proposal to remove the

agricultural tie.




50% Grant & Precept£2500.06

2.Application for Grant:  St Mary’s Churchyard

It was agreed to make a grant of £250.Cheque No. 707


1.St Mary’s PCC – Hire of Church Hall£  60.00Cheque No. 708

2.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£125.64  Cheque No. 709

3.Grant Thornton – Audit£120.00Cheque No. 710

The three accounts were approved for payment.

It was agreed to ask Mr Jones to cut the grass to the seat. Cllr Mrs Beauchamp to contact.

101.Notice Board

One quote of £600 for an oak notice board had been received. It was agreed to obtain further quotes.

102.Playing Field

It was reported that a number of events were planned for November.

Defibrillator training had been arranged for mid November.

The parish had been given a quantity of crocus bulbs from Rotary for planting in the village. This would be done on Saturday 30 October.

The Beaford Arts evening had been a very successful evening.


1.DCC advised a Road Closure from Bonds Farm to Andrews Park 23-29 November to enable work to underground network to be carried out.

2.The Planning Department advised that the Enforcement team was currently understaffed, consequently enforcement action was taking longer than normal. It was hoped to have a new team member in place in the new year.

3.North Devon Council advised that the next Parish Forum would be held at Brynsworthy on Tuesday 15 November at 7:00pm. The agenda would be available shortly.

4.Field in Trust Annual Report. Passed to the Playing Field Committee.

104.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.

A list of required signs was being compiled by Chittlehampton Parish Council to submit for funding from the TAP Fund, in conjunction with Atherington Parish Council.

105.Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 15 November 2016.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:00pm.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
