18 August 2016


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16 August 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.

Present:Cllrs Mrs M Beauchamp, A Boyce and J Frayne.

In attendance:     5parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.

In the absence of the Chairman the meeting was Chaired by Cllr Boyce, Vice Chairman.


53.Police Report

No report received.

54.Matters Raised by the Public

Min. 3.1.No response had been received from Planning as the result of questions asked by the council. It was noted that the planning officer had now retired. It was agreed to write to Mrs Watkins, including copies of the email.

Min. 3.2It was reported that a North Devon Tyres van had been parked inconsiderately, blocking a doctor’s entrance at night. It was agreed to write to N Devon Tyres requesting them to ask their driver to park so as not to inconvenience others.

Min. 3.3No response had been received regarding concerns raised over the proposal to close some departments at the hospital.

Min. 16It was reported that in a response to Mr Gosden DCC had expressed satisfaction with the position of the speed detectors during the recent speed checks, which were the same as used previously. It was agreed the Peter Heaton-Jones MP should be updated with the contents of DCC’s response. It was also agreed that the parish council should make a response, copied to the MP.

Min. 25.1No response had been received regarding the new kerb stones and tarmac opposite NWF.

55.Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs W White and Ms C Norman.

56.Declarations of Interest


57.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 19 July 2016

The amended Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.

58.Matters Arising from the last meeting

Min. 45.3It was reported that there had been no response from people from Atherington in need of affordable homes.

59.County Council

Cllr Edgell reported that August was a very quiet time, and so had nothing to report.

It was noted that road repairs were due to start outside Springfield the following week.

Talks regarding the proposal for Devon and Somerset Devolution were ongoing.


It was reported that potholes and other repairs had been carried out.

61.District Council

No report received.

62.Neighbourhood Watch

It was reported that a dead sheep had been discovered at Umberleigh, believed to have been killed by a dog.



61546Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to form two dwellings (class q(a)(b)) Langridge Farm Atherington

It was noted that is was an identical application to a previous one, but had been submitted due

16.05.16 – 2

to a change being made by the government to the classifications relating to redundant farm buildings.

It was resolved to recommend approval.

61612Erection of agricultural workers supervisory dwelling Higher Eastacombe Farm Atherington

It was noted that a justifiable need for the dwelling had been established. Concern was raised over the size of the proposed dwelling.

It was resolved to recommend approval with the condition that Permitted Development Rights being removed. This would ensure that any future proposal to increase the size of the dwelling would be subject to additional planning approval.

2.Decisions - Approval

60960Conversion of a redundant chapel to a one bedroomed dwelling at Baptist Chapel Atherington

60961Listed building consent for conversion of chapel to a one bedroom dwelling at Atherington Baptist Chapel Atherington

60962Conversion of school hall to a one-bedroom dwelling at Atherington Baptist School Hall

60963Listed building consent for the conversion of school hall to a one bedroom

dwelling at Atherington Baptist School Hall




1.SW Internal Audit£  90.00Cheque No. 704

2.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£125.63Cheque No. 705

The two accounts were approved for payment.

65.Notice Board

It was reported that Cllr White was willing to give a grant from his Councillor funding towards a new notice board. Cllr Edgell reported that he was also willing to make a contribution.

Cllr Ms Norman was arranging for a quote to be supplied. This was awaited.

It was agreed to defer the item to the next meeting.

66.Playing Field

It was reported that the recent music event had been very successful, and had been enjoyed by all. The next event on 30 September would be presented by Beaford Arts, and based on the Great Train Robbery.

The Holiday Club was continuing and was attracting a good number of children.

There was no news on the funding bid for the garden.


1.DALC Newsletter – August 2016. Noted

68.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.


69.Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 20 September 2016.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8:50pm.