17 May 2016


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 17 May 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.

Present:Cllrs W White, Mrs M Beauchamp, J Frayne and Ms C Norman.

In attendance:     10 parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.

1.Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman


Cllr White was proposed by Cllr Frayne, seconded by Cllr Ms Norman.

There being no other nominations Cllr White was unanimously elected.

2.Vice Chairman

Cllr White proposed Cllr Boyce, seconded by Cllr Mrs Beauchamp.

There being no other nominations Cllr Boyce was unanimously elected.

2.Police Report

A report had been received from PCSO Beverley Bray:

Two reports of separate nuisance anti social behaviour had been recorded for Atherington, 1 at a private address and the other by males near the river Taw.

3.Matters Raised by the Public

1.It was reported that no response had been received from the Planning Department to the council’s letter regarding the Bonds Farm application. It was understood that the application was due to be resubmitted, and likely to be determined by the planning committee.

It was agreed to write to Mr Smith enquiring why the council’s letter was being ignored.

2. Concern was raised over inconsiderate parking in the village. It was agreed to write to the person concerned requesting them to park at the Playing Field in order to resolve the problems caused.

3.Concern was expressed over recent reports that some services were likely to move from the north Devon District Hospital to Exeter. Although NDDH was a relatively small hospital, it serves a large area. No consideration had appeared to have been taken over large housing developments in the area that were due over the coming years.

It was agreed to write a letter to the Health Authority expressing the council’s concerns, copied to the MP, and John Hart at DCC.

4.Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Boyce.

5.Declarations of Interest


6.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 19 April 2016

The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.

7.Matters Arising from the last meeting


8.County Council

Cllr Edgell reported that County Councillor grants would be available from June.


Cllr Edgell reported that he would be spending a day with the Highways Officer looking at locations that needed attention, apart from potholes.

A few areas were identified including Easter Hill outside Springfield, and subsidence on the A377 towards Umberleigh.

It was reported that a quote had been received for repairs to the entrance to Tray Lane. It was noted that the DCC section also needed attention at some time.

10.District Council

Cllr White reported that the Local Plan was due to be discussed the following evening. District Councillors would be considering the proposal to remove the provision that wind turbines would be allowed in areas considered to be suitable.

17.05.16 – 2

This would only be reviewed when a general review of the Plan was undertaken.

District Councillor community grants were now available.

11.Neighbourhood Watch

No report received.


1.Applications: None.


It was noted that it may be necessary to call a meeting to consider the application for Bonds Farm.

The Government had recently won the judicial review, meaning that only developments with eleven dwellings were required to make provision for affordable housing. As the Bonds Farm application was a small development, affordable housing would not not be a requirement.



1.Adoption of Accounts 2015-2016

Copies of the accounts for year ending 30 March 2016 were circulated to councillors.

Cllr Ms Norman proposed that the accounts be adopted. Seconded by Cllr Frayne. All in agreement.

2.Completion of Annual Return

Sections 1 & 2 of the Annual Return were completed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


50% Grant £  351.00

50% Precept£2086.00

50% Grant Assist£    63.07

4.To consider a donation to the Poppy Appeal

The clerk reported that no donation had been made to the Poppy Appeal since 2009.

Cllr Frayne proposed a donation of £150. This was unanimously agreed.Cheque No. 701


1.Atherington PCC – churchyard grant£250.00Cheque No. 697

2.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£125.64  Cheque No. 698

3.Came & Co – insurance£727.39Cheque No. 699

4.Atherington PCC – hire of hall£  60.00Cheque No. 700

The four accounts were approved for payment.

14.Playing Field

It was reported that a meeting had been held to make arrangements for the fete.

The next work to be undertaken was fencing at the childrens play area.


DALC Newsletter. Noted.

Came & Co newsletter. Noted.

16.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.

Following the meeting in the village Peter Heaton-Jones MP had taken up issues raised with DCC. The results of DCC’s speed checks had been queried.

NWF had been thanked for their co-operation in stopping traffic travelling through the village during a recent funeral, and when the road in the village had been resurfaced.

There were fewer HGVs going to the mill through the village, with more arriving from the south. The new contractor being used was operating the ‘one way’ system. The next meeting with NWF was planned for August.

17.Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 21 June 2016.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8:35pm.