Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 February 2017 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.
Present:Cllrs W White (Chairman), Mrs M Beauchamp,J Frayne and Ms C Norman.
In attendance: 5 parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.
141.Police Report
No report had been received from the police.
It was reported that the police were keen to speak to the driver of a white sprinter type van, the two male occupants had been reported to have been looking for un-secured scrap.
142.Matters Raised by the Public
There was no further news regarding the Bonds Farm application. It was understood that Cllr Boyce had contacted the agent, but that no response had been received.
It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the planning officer to obtain the present situation regarding the S106 agreement, copied to the agent.
Two queries were received regarding Minute 124.1, but it was agreed that the Minute was a correct record.
143.Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Boyce.
144.Declarations of Interest
145.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 17 January 2016
Min. 124.2It was noted that there were other passing places for vehicles along Rectory Road.
The amended Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.
146.Matters Arising from the last meeting
Min 124.1Devon Air Ambulance had inspected the playing field and had noted that it was not of a sufficient site to use as a night time landing site. It was not thought that there was a suitable site within the parish.
Min 128.A response had been received from Planning Enforcement enquiring whether it was No.1 or No.2 Ford Cottages that was the subject of a complaint. It was noted that it was No. 2. Clerk to respond accordingly.
147.County Council
Cllr Edgell reported that the grant towards the cost of outdoor furniture at the playing field had been paid.
The Devon Education Authority had been funded at a low level when compared to other authorities for a long time. Despite this, Devon’s schools were producing good results. The current funding review was out for public consultation. Only a token increase had been offered by the government. All of the Devon MPs were opposing the proposal. North Devon Council was lobbying the County Council and government for increased funding.
DCC would require an annual budget of £68m to maintain its roads, but at the present time only about 50% of this total was available. The current priority was to maintain A, B and strategic C class roads. Devon had been allocated an additional £2m for minor road maintenance, and £0.5m for drainage. Cllr Edgell was hopeful that some of this would be spent in North Devon.
South West Highways had not had its contract renewed by DCC. The new contract for road maintenance had been awarded to Skanska, who would take over in the new financial year.
It was noted that the bollards outside Bonds Farm had not yet been repaired. It was agreed to again request Highways to attend to the matter as a matter of urgency due to the danger being posed to pedestrians and other road users.
A pothole was reported on Easter Hill, in the middle of the road on a bend. Potholes and flooding issues at Bartridge on the A377 to be again reported to Highways.
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149.District Council
Cllr White reported that North Devon Council was still waiting for the administrator to hand back the keys to the theatres. Interest had been expressed to run the theatres for the council.
A letter had been received from the MP regarding the cuts to hospital services. A copy had been placed in the Argus. It was agreed to put a copy of the letter on the notice board.
150.Neighbourhood Watch
No report received.
62416Retrospective application for change of use of land to include erection of stable block to include tack room & hay store Thresher Barn Boreat Barton High Bickington Umberleigh
It was resolved to recommend approval.
62434External doors in existing opening Shearing Barn Boreat Barton Manor High Bickington Umberleigh
It was resolved to recommend approval.
62596Prior approval for change of use from agricultural building to one dwelling (class Q(A)(B)) at Crosslands Farm Umberleigh
It was resolved to recommend approval.
62219Retrospective application for erection of stable block at Crossland High Bickington Umberleigh
62264Removal of condition 4 (extension tied to business) attached to planning permission 49348 (extension to dwelling) to allow as domestic living accommodation (amended description). at Crossland High Bickington Umberleigh
1.Donation to Poppy Appeal
It was noted that no donation was made to the Poppy Appeal in 2016.
It was unanimously agreed to make a donation of £25.00Cheque No. 718
1.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£151.92Cheque No. 717
The account was approved for payment.
153.Notice Board
No further information was available. It was agreed to contact Cllr Boyce to enquire if he had any information.
154.Playing Field
It was reported that a grant for £5000 had been received from Tesco.
The trees behind the pavilion had been cut.
1.Notification of a Road Closure past Trivoli Cottage on Monday 27 February had been received from DCC Highways.
2.Confirmation had been received that Code of Conduct training for councillors would take place at the Castle Centre on 20 March.
3.Details of forthcoming public events regarding the Acute Service Review had been received from Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, and circulated to councillors.
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156.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.
A negative verbal response had been received into a request for signs warning of horses to be placed on the back road to High Bickington. Cllr Edgell confirmed that DCC had cut its budget for road signs, but he advised that grant funding may be available in the new financial year for the parish council to carry out the work. Cllr White to update the person requesting the signs. Written response from DCC to be circulated when received.
It was noted that there were still two vacancies on the council.
In response to a request, it was agreed to enquire from Richard Sables if there was any restriction to the size of vehicles permitted to use the narrow roads.
157.Items for the Next Agenda
Notice Board.
158.Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 21 March 2017.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:00pm.