Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17 January 2017 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.
Present:Cllrs W White (Chairman), Mrs M Beauchamp, A Boyce and J Frayne.
In attendance: 2 parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.
The meeting stood in silence in memory of Mrs Norman who had passed away recently.
123.Police Report
A report had been received from PCSO Beverley Bray. Since 1 December the following had occurred in Atherington:
RTC - damage only on the B3217; Umberleigh Bridge - Rocks on the road at Umberleigh Bridge (B3217);
Horses and sheep on the road - B3227; Tree cottage - damage caused to property.
She had passed some Scam booklets into the Post office for anyone who wished to collect one. The booklets contained a whole host of very useful information.
124.Matters Raised by the Public
1.It was suggested that the possibility of having an Air Ambulance night landing site in the village, possibly at the playing field, be explored. Cllr Mrs Beauchamp offered to make enquiries.
2.It was reported that the only passing place along Rectory Road had been filled with debris from ploughing the road edge, rendering it unusable. Highways to be contacted.
3.It was reported that a NWF lorry had recently used Barnstaple Hill. Cllr Mrs Beauchamp agreed to raise the matter with NWF.
125.Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ms C Norman.
126.Declarations of Interest
127.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 15 November 2016
The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.
128.Matters Arising from the last meeting
The bollard outside Bonds Farm had not been repaired, or the pothole.
No further reports of problems with the waste/recycling collections had been received.
No response had been received from the planning department regarding the occupation of a garage at Umberleigh.
129.County Council
Cllr Edgell reported that he had spoken to Mr Sables regarding Drunken Pit Lane. As the lane was classified as a public right of way, nothing could be done to restrict its use. It was agreed to write to North Devon Motor Club requesting that they did not use the lane, and that the parish council would object to any organised event proposing to use the lane.
The county council were able to apply for an additional 3% increase on the Council Tax to assist with funding adult social care. Although this would help, it still would not cover the costs.
Devon came 145th out of 151 authorities with regard to government funding for education. The recently announced funding levels for schools would result in 33% of Devon schools receiving less, including Chumleigh Academy. Before writing to object to the cut in funding, it was agreed to liaise with Chumleigh Parish Council.
A pothole was reported near the sewerage works, opposite the lay-by.
Blocked drains were reported on Easter Hill and on Barnstaple Hill where water was running across the road. On the A377 at Bartridge it was reported that there was a blocked drain and that the road surface was poor.
17.01.19 – 2
131.District Council
Cllr White reported on a meeting that he had attended in South Molton into cuts of services at North Devon Hospital. The meeting had been attended by approximately 270 people.
It had been agreed that the priority should be to retain all emergency services at the hospital.
132.Neighbourhood Watch
A scam was circulating which gave the appearance of being from a local telephone number. Details would be included in the next Argus.
62119Retrospective application for erection of stable block Crossland High Bickington Umberleigh
It was resolved to recommend approval.
62193Change of use of existing annexe to hybrid holiday/relative use to include new external doorway, internal layout, roof with new flue & chimney Shearing Barn Boreat Barton Manor High Bickington Umberleigh
It was resolved to recommend approval.
62264Removal of condition 4 (occupancy restriction) attached to planning permission 49348 (extension to dwelling) to allow as domestic living accommodation separate from the main dwelling Crossland High Bickington Umberleigh
It was resolved to recommend approval.
2.Decisions: None.
3.Bonds Farm
Cllrs Boyce, Frayne and Ms Norman had attended a meeting with the planning officer and architect om 15 December. Councillors put forward a proposal that the council were prepared to discuss the transfer of the freehold of the open space to the parish council. This was agreed, and would constitute part of the planning agreement. It was noted that the S106 payment would be approximately £20k.
It was resolved that the council would accept ownership of the open space, with all legal costs being borne by the developer.
1.D Jones & Son – grass & hedge cutting£309.00Cheque No. 713
2.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (2 months)£250.64Cheque No. 714
3.Mrs J Hart – village Christmas tree£ 42.00Cheque No. 715
4.DCC – rent of conservation Area£ 30.00Cheque No. 716
The four accounts were approved for payment.
135.Notice Board
Deferred to the next meeting.
136.Playing Field
It was reported that the Beaford Centre would be staging another event in February.
It was hoped to thin the trees shortly.
The committee had been successful in securing a £500 grant, plus a District Council Community grant of £150.
17.01.17 – 3
1.Historic England had advised that it was considering whether Atherington War Memorial had special architectural or historic interest. It was agreed to respond that the parish council was in support of this.
2.Minutes of the last Parish Forum had been received from NDC and circulated to councillors.
3.North Devon Council were conduction a public consultation into the provision of Traveller sites. No sites had been identified.
138.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.
139.Items for the next agenda.
Donation to the Poppy Appeal; Notice Board.
140.Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 21 February 2016.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:25pm.
Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .