16 February 2016


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16 February 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.

Present:Cllrs W White (Chairman), Mrs M Beauchamp and Ms C Norman.

In attendance:     5 parishioners, County Councillor R Edgell, Parish Clerk.

137.Police Report

A report had been received from the police.

There had been 2 Road Traffic Collisions in the parish - one the B3227 with a vehicle ending on its roof on the 14th January and the other was damage only on the 19th January.

Mud on the road (B3227) was reported from Atherington towards High Bullen on 20th January

The Rising Sun Hotel at Umberleigh had a burglary over night on 12th/13th Febraury

138.Matters Raised by the Public

Peter Heaton-Jones MP had visited the parish and had taken up the concerns of traffic in the village, and had requested to DCC that Atherington be mad an exception to the 20mph policy. The Bill by Scott Mann MP for local communities to determine appropriate speed limits had been withdrawn due to lack of support.

He suggested that BT should be invited to a meeting with the parish council to discuss broadband speed in the village, and had passed contact details to the Clerk. The Clerk reported that the representative from BT that had been suggested was unable the attend that evening’s meeting, or the March meeting. It was agreed to invite him to the April meeting.

It was agreed to thank Mr Heaton-Jones for attending the meeting.

Concern was expressed over the continued mud on the road. Run-off from the fields, which included effluent, together with mud from verges and damaged hedges were causing drains to be blocked. It was noted that other instances of mud on the road had been resolved by the farmers clearing up the mess that they had made. 

It was agreed to pass on the concerns to the Environment Agency, and to report the damage to the roads to Highways.

It was also agreed to raise the matter with the police again as the road was still in a mess. The large vehicles used the road caused a potential danger to pedestrians as it left nowhere for the pedestrians to stand in safety when they met.

It was agreed to make Defra aware of the problem and complaints received.

Cllr Edgell reported that he had mad enquiries with Highways, who had advised that any legal action they took would need to go through the magistrates court, which could take some time. They had advised contacting the police, which had been done.   

It was agreed to write a letter to farmers requesting their cooperation in keeping roads clean. Cllr Mrs Beauchamp to liaise and arrange the letter.

139.Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs A Boyce and J Frayne.

140.Declarations of Interest


141.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 19 January 2016

The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.

142.Matters Arising from the last meeting

Cllr Edgell reported that, according to figures he had been given, the cost of the walling work at Newbridge was £310,000.The work was due to be completed in mid March.

It was not clear why this figure differed from that obtained by the parish council under a Freedom of Information request.

143.County Council

Cllr Edgell reported that DCC was due to set its budget on Thursday. It was expected that its share of the Council Tax would increase by 1.99%. Provision had been made by central government for authorities responsible for adult social care to apply for a further 2% increase to cover increased costs due to the increase in the minimum wage. In the case of Devon the increased cost will be £7.3m. The additional 2% increase in the Council Tax would bring in a further £6.6m, which would almost cover the additional costs.

16.02.16 – 2

As the result of lobbying, rural councils such as Devon would receive some additional funding from government, but only as a one-off payment.

He was pleased to report that County Councillor grants, and the Communities Fund would be continuing.


It was thought that the path at Rock had been cleared.

145.District Council

Cllr White reported that North Devon Council was expected to increase its share of the Council Tax by the maximum amount, 1.99%.

The District Councillor grants would be continuing, but possibly cut by 25%.

146.Neighbourhood Watch

No report received.







60321Extension to annexe to provide additional accommodation (amended address) at Little Barn Hall Atherington Umberleigh




Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£126.89Cheque No. 674

The account was approved for payment.

149.Playing Field

No report received.


a.North Devon Local Plan. Notification had been received from North Devon Council regarding a public consultation regarding to wind energy and sites for starter homes. The consultation would run until 24 March.

b.An email had been received from Barnstaple Town Council regarding finances for retaining the North Devon Record Office. £24500 was needed to keep the Record Office in North Devon, Barnstaple Town Council and others had pledged 50%, and were appealing for help from parish councils in providing the rest, for three years.

Cllr Frayne and Boyce had suggested, by email, that the parish contributes £240 towards the shortfall. This was in line with the grant made by Barnstaple Town Council, based on population.

c.An email had been received from High Bickington Parish Council seeking support for their letters to the two local MPs requesting an increase in funding to protect services in rural areas, in particular road maintenance.  This was agreed.

151.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.

The Chairman reported on the condition of the road outside Springfield. Apart from traffic lights being erected, nothing was appearing to be done, resulting in the the condition of the road getting worse.

152.Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 15 March 2016.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.25pm.