15 November 2016


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15 November 2016 at the Church Hall, Atherington at 7.30pm.

Present:Cllrs Mrs M Beauchamp, A Boyce, J Frayne and Ms C Norman.

In attendance:  3 parishioners, Parish Clerk.

The meeting observed a minutes silence in memory of Mr Gosden who had passed away recently.

In the absence of the Chairman, the chair was taken by Cllr Boyce.

106.Police Report

Six incidents had been logged in Atherington parish during the past month, mainly accidents on the A377.

107.Matters Raised by the Public

A pothole was reported on the corner at the top of rock on the B3227’ and on the first corner on Barnstaple Hill.

It was reported that the drain was blocked by the lay-by on Easter Hill.

The bollard outside Bonds Farm had been knocked, and needed repairing. All matters to be reported to Highways.

A request was received for signs warning motorists of horses on the road on the road between Welcome Farm and Potems Cross. Request to be passed to Highways.

108.Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs W White and County Councillor R Edgell.

109.Declarations of Interest


110.Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 18 October 2016

The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed and signed as a true record.

111.Matters Arising from the last meeting

Min. 89.1.It was not known if there was any improvement to the waste & recycling collection.

Min. 89.4.No response had been received from the Planning Department regarding Ford Cottage,

Min. 101.No additional quote for a notice board had yet been received.

112.County Council

No report received.


No matters raised.

114.District Council

No report received.

115.Neighbourhood Watch

Parishioners were warned to be aware of various scams that were circulating, and not to divulge personal details, especially on the phone or email.



2.Application Withdrawn:

61755Removal of condition 3 (agricultural / forestry occupancy restriction) attached to planning permission 25529 (erection of agricultural workers dwelling) at Lilcott Farm Atherington

3.Bonds Farm

It was reported that the Bonds Farm application was due to go to the Planning committee the following day. The main objection was that the access to the site was to cross the ‘Conservation Area’.

It was confirmed that the parish council had not had any contact with the developer or architect, and that no offer had been received regarding the land. It was confirmed that the parish council had no objection to the proposed development provided that it conformed with current regulations, only the site of the proposed access.

15.11.16 - 2



1.Setting of Budget 2017/2018

A draft budget had been circulated to councillors. This was agreed and adopted without change.

2.Setting of Precept & Grant for 2017/2018

It was agreed not to increase the Precept for 2017/2018, but to keep it at £4172.


1.Clerk’s Salary & Expenses£126.28  Cheque No. 711

The account was approved for payment.

118.Notice Board

Item deferred to the next meeting.

119.Playing Field

It was reported that the bonfire night had been very successful, with no problems arising.

120.Correspondence Received

An enquiry had been received from NDC into sandbag policies held by parish councils. It was noted that Atherington Parish Council did not have such a policy.

An agenda had been received from NDC for the Parish Forum being held that evening.

121.Matters Arising at the Chairman’s discretion.

It was resolved to ensure the continuation of the Atherington Argus following the death of Mr Gosden. It was reported that offers of help had already been received from parishioners.

It was agreed to make a donation of £25.00Cheque No. 712

122.Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 17 January 2017.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:15pm.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
